The 47th issue of the Echinox Journal Integrated Modernisms edited by Amalia Cotoi, Francesca Caraceni, Anna Dijkstra, Anca Chiorean, Anandita Pan is out; The volume critically contextualizes current discussions on ‘New Modernisms’ from various geopolitical perspectives and temporalities, while also questioning recent significant attempts to theorize what is modern in today’s literary and cultural contemporaneity.
Reimagining Modernist Methodologies
Jamie Stephenson, Hermeneutics of ‘Auditioning’: Contemporising Tensions Between ‘Modernity’ and ‘Modernism’ through a Poetics of Resonance
Rahma Khazam, From Essence to Flat Ontology: Recontextualizing Modernist Thought for the Present
Anna Dijkstra, Epistemological Violence between Affect and Aesthetic: Rationalist Rhetoric in the Novel of Ideas
Transnational Modernisms
Izabela Sobczak, Joseph Conrad, Ewa Kuryluk and “the places of transition”. Transnational Modernism in Contemporary Polish Women’s Writing
Ilinca Pelea, Transnational Paradigms of Modernist Pictorial Memory: Carpaccio, Vermeer and Narrative Structure in Proust’s Search
Somjyoti Mridha, “…and the twentieth century took over from the sixteenth”: Literary Modernism and the Colonial World in E. M. Forster’s A Passage to India
Aathira Peediakaparambil Somasundaran, Between Modernism and Tradition: Beirut’s Poetry and Literature in Transformation
Amalia Cotoi, Modernist Literature and Embodied Mind. Introspection, Body, and Environment
Ioana Șerban, The New as the Surround System of Interiority in Contemporary Art Exhibitions. Modernism and Contemporaneity in the Works of Elmgreen & Dragset
Alina Gabriela Mihalache, Ștefan Firică, Deterritorializing Theatre. Habima and the Making of the Modern Stage Language
Georgios Katsantonis, From the Geographical Dimension to the Ecological Perspective in Pasolini’s Literature and Film
Shiyi Zhu, Pictorial Modernism(s) in An Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Context
Radu Toderici, Tactical Modernism: Romanian Cinema of the 1960s and the Disputed Modernist Aesthetics
Local Modern(ism)s
Rui Sousa, Mário Cesariny’s Perspective on Portuguese and International Surrealism: Dialogue and Distinction
Fernando de Moraes Gebra, Orpheu from the Inside: a Historiographical Review of the Portuguese Modernism
Frederico van Erven Cabala, Figures of the Modern in Brazilian Theater
Anca Chiorean, Putting Bodies to Work – Bodies of Texts and Bodies of Readers Operating at a Whopping 75 Horsepower
The New Politics of -isms
Alex Ciorogar, The 6th Face of Modernity – Postmilenial Romanian Poetry and Metamodernism
Bogdan Vișan, The Worldedness of Postmodernism in the Romanian Literary Field: A Travelling Concept
Bărboiu Arina-Mihaela, Mapping Metamodernism from East to West
Horațiu Tohătan, Nihilistic Network: Musil, Kundera and Houellebecq
Historical Modernist Engagements
Boyarkina Iren, Ulysses through the Prism of Natural Sciences
Gabriela Glăvan, The Unwritten Sylvia Plath Biographies
Andrea Olah, Reinterpretation of Art Utopias Seeking a Non-Functional Determination of the New Man and the New Art: Marinetti’s Tactilism and Kassák’s Art-utopia
Smaranda Ștefanovici, Georgeta Matei, Modernist Engagements in Postcolonial Literature
Library Survey
Book Reviews