Surrealism today

Brașov, 11-12 July 2024

The ALGCR conference marked the centenary of the publication of the first manifestos of surrealism and the consecration of the concept.

The legacy of surrealism is immense, in literatures for which the political dimension does not mean depriving literature of its essence, but lies at the centre of its imaginative and performative intent. Surrealism is a way of turning literature into act and gesture, and these have both an aesthetic and a political function.

The relation of Surrealism to the social world has also been discussed: does it primarily assert the freedom of the artist or does it strive for liberation in general?

Apart from the occasional character of the centenary, the colloquium extended very interesting recent concerns and investigations in our intellectual and cultural space: the exhibitions dedicated to Victor Brauner, the Infra-Noir group or Jacques Hérold, the publication of the series of Gellu Naum’s Works (edited by Simone Popescu, author of an important study on Naum and surrealism), Deliei Ungureanu’s book From Paris to Tlön. Surrealism as World Literature, Michael Finkenthal’s book, The Infra-Noir Group, a Reunion of Solitudes, and others.



Multicultural Centre of Transilvania University
Bd. Eroilor 29, Brașov


Phone: 0268 474059


11-12 July 2024

Past ALGCR Conferences

Brașov, 2022

translation and transfer

 Transilvania University of Brașov

Brașov, 2021

anglo-american model in Romanian culture

Transilvania University of Brașov

sIBIU, 2019

german model in romanian culture

„Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu


French Model in romanian culture

University of Bucharest

Cluj-NAPOCA, 2017

Analogy, Comparation, Influence

 Babeș-Bolyai University

București, 2016

Literary, artistic, intellectual, spiritual adventure

University of Bucharest

Timișoara, 2015

Regional, national, european, universal

West University of Timișoara

București, 2014

Disciplines for literature?

University of Bucharest

Suceava, 2013

the changing history of literature

 „Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava

Constanța, 2012

Cultural Studies

 Ovidius University of Constanța

BRAȘOV, 2011

identity dilemmas

Transilvania University of Brașov

IAȘI, 2010

Literature and politics

 „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași

Alba-Iulia, 2009

Is there a future for the history of literature?

 „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Sibiu, 2007

Big cities and literature

„Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu

Craiova, 2006

Evaluation standards in humanities and literary criticism. The canon.

University of Craiova

Brașov, 2005

Literature and interdisciplinarity

Transilvania University of Brașov

București, 2004

Literature at crossroads of the arts

University of Bucharest

București, 2003

Is there a future for literature?

New Europe College

Cluj-Napoca, 2001

Post-colonialism and interculturality

Babeș-Bolyai University

București, 1999

Comparative literature at the turn of the millennium

New Europe College